
Indoor Range Simulator

Would you like to hone your firearms handling skills? Try some interactive simulations? Maybe just race on a dueling tree with your buddies? You should come try the indoor firearms simulator here at Andy's Armory. It is an interactive experience using training firearms equipped with infra red lasers. These training pistols use standard pistol sights, have a removable magazine, realistic trigger pull and simulate the M&P 2.0 size and weight. Its a great opportunity to get in some practice and even simulate how you would react to a potentially threatening encounter. You can rent time on the simulator at a rate of $40 per hour.

Choose from different activities to enhance your skill...

Take on simulated threatening encounters...

Spend a little time on a simulated range and see your splits...

Mantis X-10

The Mantis X-10 is a flexible laser training tool used in combination with a portable device to capture trigger mechanics just before, during and after your shot. Used in combination with either dry fire or live fire at the range this will improve your trigger pull, grip and stance through different drills with pertinent feedback.

Laser Academy

Laser Academy combines laser cartridge inserts with special targets and a portable device to create a very portable and easy to use training tool. With a host of different training scenarios the Laser Academy is a great way to practice dry fire on targets with your personal firearm or with any laser training firearm.